Samuel Faucheux

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Nosferatu -x- League of the Night -x- Quebec City

Nosferatu Samuel Faucheux.jpg

Sobriquet: Just...Sam

Appearance: Sam is a Nosferatu of light build, he probably weighs no more than 150 pounds and stands just 6 feet tall. Unlike so many sewer-rats, the curse hasn't deprived him of his hair, its just as thick and dark as it was on the night of his Embrace and he wears it slicked back against his skull, but he doesn't bother using hair tonic or the like as his hair is now naturally greasy. He has a distinctly florid appearance giving his face and skin a bruised purple look, this is from the systematic swelling of his capillaries as vitae un-naturally rises to his epidermis. This condition could be mistaken for severe gin blossoms were it not for the equally un-natural elongation of his jaw bones making him look like nothing so much as man half transformed into a jackal. Of course as a Nosferatu his ears are long, pointed and swept back much like those of a predatory animal. Perhaps worst of all, his lips and the skin surrounding his mouth failed to stretch enough to compensate for his elongated jaw, the result is that he appears to have no lips which exposes massive yellowing teeth. While hardly the most hideous Nosferatu, Samuel would nonetheless be considered a freak of the first order by any mortal that saw him. His body reeks of unwashed body-odor, as if he hadn't bathed in weeks or months and his breath is so rancid it could knock down a horse. Sam generally wears black clothing, not out of some brooding Gothic attitude, but because he continues to grieve for someone once dear to him. Despite this he could be taken for a goth wannabe for his signature trench-coat and stylish motorcycle goggles.



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