Former Magus

From The World Is A Vampire
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Social Merits & Flaws

2 point Merit or 2 point Flaw

In life you were a mage, able to reshape creation with the force of your will. That power is lost to you now, replaced with the curse of Caine. Yet you have not sundered all ties to your former Fellowship. If this trait is a Merit, a few of your mystical associates still talk to you. They probably won't give you access to their libraries or let you into their sanctums, but they pass along information from time to time and exchange favors when it suits them. If this trait is a Flaw, your former associates view you as a liability. They might not actively hunt you (unless you also take the Enemy Flaw), but they regard you as a monster and traitor and treat you accordingly. This trait is extremely rare outside of Clan Tremere.