Warwick Abbot

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Sorcerer Warwick Abbot.jpg

Sobriquet: Abby

Appearance: Warwick is a young man in his late teens. His blond hair is worn in a crew-cut and he always has a couple days worth of stubble on his face. He has a thick muscular form gained more through hard physical labor than any athletic pursuit. His hands are strong and heavily callused from his many farm chores, but most people remember him because of his piercing blue eyes that seem to have seen more than they should. Abby commonly wears t-shirts with old hand-me-down long-sleeve flannel work-shirts, blue-jeans and a pair of shit-kicker boots whether working the farm, attending high-school or working his after-school job. In cold weather he wears a fleece lined jean jacket and old-fashioned golf-cap. His shabby clothing reflects the fall of his family from colonial wealth to modern poverty rather than any slovenly personal habits.

Behavior: To those who don't know Abbot, he seems shy, almost self-effacing, but in reality his emotional distance is a carefully practiced self-control meant to protect those around him from his latent witch powers. As the old saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul and for Abbot that is especially true, for one of his most potent abilities is learning other people's secrets when someone looks him in the eyes. Most of the time, he walks around without looking up and avoids eye contact if at all possible, this give other people the impression that he is withdrawn or socially insecure. He tends to hunch, duck his head and walk with a shuffling gait - a habit born mostly of self-loathing, repressed guilt and an all too real fear of his power being unleashed either upon himself or an unsuspecting member of his community. He can only relax around those who know what he is and who can defend themselves against his inner fire. As a result, Abbot is the least likely of his coven to lose control and use his powers in a chaotic or destructive manner and having been the mystical aggressor in the past is watchful of such tendencies in his coven-mates, hoping against hope to prevent another power inspired tragedy.


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