Alt-1920s Covington Nosferatu Coterie Page

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Alt-1920s Covington

Hans is meting out the information about being vampires and Kindred life a little at a time to keep the fledglings under his thumb. Hans has only let them know that the blood can soothe beasts, and powers some of their disciplines. Hans wants his fledglings where he can keep an eye on them.

Nosferatu Roger Sinclair.jpg
Roger loathes Hans...but needs him to get back
in the air.
Hans Thinks Roger is a whiner. But Hans wants Roger to get
him around the United States.
Nosferatu Althea the Alchemist.jpg
Althea is
fascinated by
the Elder Hans.

Hans wants
Althea's science
to help him
a relic he is
searching for.

Nosferatu Hans Schultz.jpg Jane hates Hans

for making her
Hans wants Jane
for social

Nosferatu Jane the Spy.jpg
Hans wants Adair as a foot soldier, leg

work man. Adair has the skills to find things.
Hans worry's most about Adair, as he doesn't
need Hans day to day.

Nosferatu Adair Simpkin.jpg