Isidora Varnham

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Ipswich -x- Mortals and Others

Mortal Isidora Varnham.jpg

Sobriquet: Colonel

Appearance: Isidora is a beautiful, athletic woman in her late thirties. An athlete who takes care of herself, she could be mistaken for woman who is ten years younger. That is until you look into her cold gray eyes, or see the scars of gunshot wounds, knife attacks and burns left by exploding ordinance. But the scars only add character to a strong woman equally comfortable in dress uniform or fatigues. She doesn't bother with frilly feminine things like perfume or scented soaps, nor does she dye her blond hair. But she does have a few well hidden tattoos from late night drinking sessions with short-term boy-toys or old friends from the service. Colonel Varnham stands just shy of six feet tall and weighs a solid 135 pounds of mostly muscle. Her blond hair is starting to streak with random gray hairs which Isidora wears like badges of honor.

Behavior: Colonel Varnham is an officer first and a woman second. Without question a Type A personality, she demands only the best from her troops, but nothing she herself wouldn't do in service to her country. In return, she rewards her troopers in equal measure and is a well respected officer whose troops have almost perfect morale. While she isn't precisely by the book, she mostly sticks to the rules, but knows that human beings are naturally flawed, thus requiring a certain amount of flexibility on her part as commander. Thus while harsh in judgement, she is always fair which has earned her plenty of loyalty down through the years. In first encounters she has a tendency to come on strong and then slowly relent, giving her equals the opportunity to first respect her and then like her. To her superiors she shows respect and is quick to take and implement orders, but once protocol is observed, she can be caustic if she feels her superior isn't living up to her exacting standards. This charming trait has slowed her rise in the army far more than her sex, but it hasn't stopped her and it won't be too terribly long before she has earned her first star, ass-kissing or no ass-kissing.


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