
From The World Is A Vampire
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Presence 3

Description: This power reshapes the subject's emotions, instilling a sense of willing and just devotion toward the vampire. Therefore, the victim is inclined to heed the vampire's every desire, but does not become the addled drone of a victim of Dominate. Entrancement affects the heart, not the will. This power does make the servant somewhat less predictable, however. Independent thinkers (no matter how loyal) have a tendency to think for themselves. Vampiric lore is replete with entranced mortals doing foolish things to please their masters and ladies. It is also replete with stories of the entranced who become hateful once the effect wears off, which is one reason why such thralls are usually either kept close and bound by the blood oath or eliminated once they have served their purpose.

The vampire chooses the emotional flavor of the entrancement. Some may wish for their retainers to serve out of love, others out of the respect of vassal for lord, while others prefer the fear of slave for master.

System: Regardless of the emotional flavor, the player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the target's permanent Willpower), and the number of successes determines how long the subject is entranced (as per the following chart). The Storyteller may wish to make the roll instead, since the character is never certain of the strength of her hold on the victim. The vampire may try to keep the subject under her thrall, but he can do so only after the initial effect wears off. Attempting this power while Entrancement is already in operation has no effect.

Successes Duration
1 success 1 hour
2 1 day
3 1 week
4 1 month
5 1 year per success above 4