Niele Pavilionis

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Brian O'Reilly's Retainers

Ghoul Niele Pavilionis.jpg

Official Title: Doctor Major (Lithuanian: Gydytojo majoras)


Appearance: Niele's once pretty face is marked with the scars of several fights, and her dark eyes reflect the horrors she has seen.

Behavior: She is usually quiet and withdrawn, coming to life only when her services are needed. She suffers from occasional nightmares and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in quieter times.

History: She has been a ghoul since 1963.

Recent Events: Niele is very concerned over this recent clash with MI7. For several years now she has only had to treat athletes foot and the occasional odd gun-shot wound. But these English government agents are obviously dangerous for in the hours after their attack on the Master, her sick-bay was filled with a dozen soldiers each with very serious wounds that had yet to be healed by the Master's blood. While she despises war, for she has seen so very many years of it, she knows this is only the opening skirmish of a conflict that will rage on until finished as all such struggles are in a mountain of corpses. She has already lost so many friends and companions to the Master's war, yet she cannot blame him for this struggle which seems to have been foisted upon him. Her primary dilemma hinges on whether she will be called on once again to act as a field soldier, which she despises and whether the conflict will reach the point where she will consider the use of biological agents as a means to minimize injury to her people and more importantly her Master.

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