Boyana Luben

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Brian O'Reilly's Retainers

Ghoul Boyana Luben.jpg

Sobriquet: Anna.

Appearance: Boyana stands 5 foot, 9 inches tall when she is barefoot. However she prefers to wear dark professional looking athletic shoes which make the long hours she spends on her feet bearable, and far more practical should she need to chase a suspect or flee a dangerous situation. She wears her dark, lustrous Bulgarian hair a few centimeters past shoulder length, usually loose and despite all her efforts, a bit disheveled. Her gray eyes are as dark and stormy as the peaks of the Balkan Mountains where she was born. Her face is narrow with a fey cast, beautiful but bitter, like the dark elves of Slavic legend. Boyana's build is distinctly athletic which she maintains with a daily routine of exercise learned in the Bulgarian army. She loves to wear pinstriped silk suits sans tie with long-sleeved white business shirts and her customary fedora pulled down low over her eyes. Her only concession to femininity are her painted fingernails which she keeps short and neat. Her voice is naturally husky and made more so by years of smoking, which she has given up for the habit of chewing gum, which she does with a vengeance, especially when stressed. Boyana wears a small arsenal in the form of a 9mm Arcus 98DA pistol slung beneath her left arm, pepper spray and a small taser carried in alternating jacket pockets, a small combat knife strapped to her right calf and a backup Makarov in a mesh holster located in the small of her back. She only wears body armor when expecting trouble.

Behavior: Anna is highly intelligent and well educated in the practical arts of investigation and police procedure. Unfortunately she can be gruff and taciturn with more than a little sarcasm, these natural tendencies are curbed by an intense professionalism and by rare bouts from a well hidden but healthy sense of humor. Anna is naturally alert which is heightened by well earned caution. She never enters a building without identifying all the exits and she usually has an exit strategy for every situation. Likewise, when she enters a public place she carefully looks over every single person and makes note of their locations, general appearance and what they are doing at the moment of her entry. These deeply ingrained habits are made easier by a trick of memory that allows her to recall all that she sees and hears with perfect clarity. While a lifetime of security work in an impoverished former Soviet nation has left her dubious of human nature, she is in general a positive person with a strong survival instinct. Undetected by most people, Anna possesses an adventurous imagination that allows her to transcend the day-to-day tedium of security work. She loves old black and white films, science fiction and like all Bulgarians, a good round of drinks.

History: Boyana is a 35 year old, female police officer; she is a seven year veteran of Sofia's growing homicide department. She grew up wanting to be a police officer and spent every extra bit of her time preparing for that eventuality; she is one of Bulgaria’s most highly rated female marksman and competes each year for standing and occasionally prizes. Circa 2016 I use her influence very sparingly, as the senechel in the city keeps direct control of the police. She is now a senior Detective and we speak about every two weeks. She understand that she will need to start using makeup or something similar to show signs of age. We have spoken about what she wants to do in the next decade or so. She plans to continue her career until she can no longer hide and then move to my personal service. When the changes in Bulgaria and her domitor's absence became too much to bear, Boyana emigrated. She now works in London as a private detective with only one real client.

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