Boris Bennett

From The World Is A Vampire
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St. Louis -- Followers of Set


Sobriquet: The Siberian

Appearance: Boris is 5' 11" tall, with a thick barrel chest, and heavy shoulders. Boris is very white and shaved bald, with a thick coating of stubble on his face. Boris has a star tattooed on the back of his right hand.

Behavior: Boris has a moderate burr of Russian accent to his speech. He doesn't smile much. Often he can be found smoking cheap cigars. Boris is a card game enthusiast, and can usually be found with cards in his hand. He has been known to use them to determine how long an enemy will suffer.

History: Boris was embraced in Russia after WWII. He worked hard for his clan in his homeland, eventually getting a promotion to New York. After spending twenty years there, he was sent with two lieutenants to establish a temple in St. Louis.

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