Merill Olsen

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Appearance: Olsen is every bit the wild man, only vaguely spruced up for city living. Over six feet tall and 250 pounds, he sports a huge blond beard and a fascinating variety of tattoos. These nights he most often works in prisons on riot control or in bars as a bouncer, and he has become something of a local fixture.

Behavior: Although you didn't come from the streets, you still know your way around them. A social chameleon, you can relate to the prisoners and their jailers, the high and mighty of the Kindred and the occasional Sabbat pack member who feels like dealing instead of fighting. Unfailingly polite, you nevertheless take full advantage of the discomfort others feel in your presence.

History: A colonial trapper and hunter, Olsen came to Canada in the heady days of the French and Indian War. Markedly apolitical, he was shot while crossing English lines and was severely wounded. Though Olsen escaped the British pickets, he would have soon bled to death had he not been Embraced by a French Gangrel who'd been watching him and who mistakenly assumed he'd switch allegiances. Ornery even in death, Olsen accidentally killed his sire in the struggle that ensued when she pushed the issue of his allegiance too far; he's carried that guilt with him for centuries.

Olsen survived as a trapper for as long as he could, following the frontier west. He kept a soft spot in his heart for where he'd been Embraced, however - taking pride in his sire's triumphs and feeling her tragedies. When the capital-ship was taken away from her, he felt it keenly, and when trapping was no longer an option, it was Kingston that he decided to call home.

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