Divining the Kindred Fount

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This ritual allows the caster to discern whether any discipline that the caster possesses has been used or is in use in an area of a cube 10'x10'x10'. This ritual can be maintained for up to one scene while the caster moves about a larger area.
Origin: Morgan Erlich - Europe - 2175 - 1st Iteration. (ST:Bruce)
System: The caster uses his/her own blood to create a square 10x10 on the ground around herself and then extends the geometric cube, (using a step ladder or other item to reach the 10 ft mark) with fresh blood upon their fingertips to symbolically complete the area within which she will be able to detect for disciplines possessed by the caster. This uses a total of one blood point. Once the outline of the cube has been completed, the caster then draws a pentagram within the square upon the ground/wall/ceiling of the square, places herself at the center of the pentagram using a mixture of blood, (any blood will do for this) and ground magnetite, and concentrates for 1 round for each of the disciplines which she wishes to detect. After this has been done the sorcerer may then attempt to track down the location of a disciplines use by walking, (not running or using any other means of transportation) in any direction she chooses. The diameter of the drawn cube is the area around which the caster will be able to detect disciplines that have been used within the area, and the magic inherent in the mixture of the blood and magnetite grounds will guide the caster to the exact location of the disciplines use within the 10 ft cube. This ritual cannot discern the difference between active use of disciplines within the area and the residue left by their use: Thus, the caster could tell that another Cainite within the area had used Auspex recently, but not that that Cainite was actively reading his aura. Thaumaturgy and other forms of Sorcery are not subject to detection through this ritual. Successes determine the sensitivity of the detection, allowing the caster to detect progressively older discipline use.
1 Success: One hour.
2 Successes: 6 hours.
3 Successes: Since the last dawn.
4 Successes: 24 hours.
5 Successes: One week.