Davorka Vukoja's Statistics

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Davorka Vukoja

Circa: Dec 2016 C.E.
Clan: Nosferatu Antitribu
Generation: 8th
Embrace: 2016
Demeanor: Competitor
Apparent Age: Mid 20's if you can get past the horror
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Dodge 1, Empathy 2, Expression 3, Intimidation 0, Leadership 0, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 0, Drive 1, Etiquette 0, Firearms 0, Melee 0, Performance 2, Security 2, Stealth 2, Survival 0
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computers 2, Finance 1, Investigation 0, Law 2, Linguistics 2(Serbian, Bulgarian, French), Medicine 1, Occult 0, Politics 0, Science 2
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Obfuscate 2, Potence 1
Backgrounds: Generation 5, Mentor 3(Morgan Hanover Erlich), Resources 0, Status 0
Flaws: Infectious Bite (2pts - physical) - pg.297 Masquerade book.
Virtues: Conviction 1, Instinct 1, Courage 1
Morality: Road of Sin 1
Willpower: 1
Vinculum ratings: Morgan Hanover Erlich (8), Aleksandar Filipovic (4), Tanja Nikolic (6)