Craft Gris-Gris

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Level 2.

Also called "Craft Wanga," this ritual is referred to by its voudoun specific name to avoid confusion with the practice of Wanga. The wangateur creates a gris-gris that will bring harm and misfortune to the recipient. The victim feels ill, suffers from ailments such as headaches and muscle pains and is unable to concentrate. The caster must mix two points of his own blood, the finger bone of an infant, nine pinches of graveyard dirt and a sample taken from the intended victim. The gris-gris must then be hidden within a few feet of the victim's home or haven.

System: Against Kindred, the gris-gris functions for one night for each of the caster's net successes (unless the gris-gris is moved first); against mortals, the magic is permanent until the gris-gris is located and removed. All actions performed while under the effects of the gris-gris suffer a dice-pool penalty of -1. A wangateur with a higher level of Wanga than the caster who finds the hidden gris-gris can turn its effects back upon the caster with a successful roll.