
From The World Is A Vampire
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Secondary Abilities

Description: You know how to prepare a variety of meals, and present them in an appealing manner. Although vampires no longer eat, this can be a very useful social Ability, especially if you like to lure potential vessels to your haven with the promise of a candlelit tête-à-tête ...

  • Novice: You give a reasonable dinner party.
    • Practiced: You give an excellent dinner party.
      • Competent: You could make a business of this.
        • Expert: You could publish recipe books.
          • Master: You could have your own TV show, or become a chef in the finest restaurants.

Possessed by: Housewives or -husbands, Chefs, Gourmets Specialties: French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Cajun, Bread, Desserts, Pastries, Cordon Bleu