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Arrayed by Sect

Seal of the Sabbat.jpg

The Prici

The Cardinals

The Archbishops

Archbishop Tatius Italus

Noteworthy Bishops

Bishop Qadim Malik

Covens & Packs

25:17 -- The Black-Hand Pack of Montreal
Bedlam -- A Young Nomadic Pack
Bloodfoot -- A Native American Nomadic Pack
Chalice of Osseous Delights -- A Tzimisce Nomadic Pack originally from Romania
Children of the Æsir -- A Potential Pack of Norse Warriors
Coven of the Mounds -- A pack of Scouts in St. Louis
El Colgado -- A South American Pack of Sabbat Occultists (A now defunct pack, that has thrown in with Zarnovich's Circus)
El Tribunal -- The Mexico City Pack of Mercy the Knight Inquisitor
Fromage Gris -- A Coven originating in Montreal and currently active in France
Gangsta Funk -- A Young Pack from Detroit
Great White -- A Young Pack from Australia
La Mierda Salvaje de los Monos -- A Founded Coven of Mexico City
Les Misérables -- The Remnants of an Old and Prominent Pack
Les Orphelins -- A Brutal Pack of Sabbat Loyalists
The Assanyì of the Rainbow Waters -- A Serpent of the Light Coven and late arrivals at the 2022 Litany of Blood
The Crimson Order of Uriel --
The Fleur-de-Lys Coven - A Loyalist Coven from Montreal
The Lost Angels - A Ultra-Conservative Coven from Montreal
The Navigators -- A Loyalist Coven from Montreal
The Orange Men' -- A Black Hand Nomadic Pack originally from Montreal
The Queens of Mercy -- The Preeminent Gay Coven of New France
The Seven Angel of Punishment - A Salubri Antitribu pack and late arrivals to the 2022 Litany of Blood
The Shepherds of Caine - The Ultra-Conservative Ultra-Religious Coven from Montreal
The Wretched -- A Pack of Driven Metamorphosist
Storm Riders - Black Hand Coven of Nis, Serbia
Voinitsi na Renesansa -- A Bulgarian Revolutionary Sabbat Pack
Zarnovich's Circus -- A Sabbat Circus of Horrors (The circus swells as it travels east in search of one of its former members - the Malkavian infernalist Midget)

Rare Individualists

Dominion Doktor Totentanz - Sabbat Dominion of Eastern Europe
Morgan Hanover Erlich - Former Prince of Gabrovo Grad

Infamous Heretics

Cedilia of the Tongue - Serpent of the Light Infernalist

Sabbat Controlled Cities