Ciganski Karnaval / цигански карнавал

From The World Is A Vampire
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Raya:: The owner of the carnival.
Wortacha: The owner's partner and leader of the menagerie.
Vaida: The carnival master.
Gyorgi Tobar: The carnival's uniformly disliked accountant and skinflint.
Baxtalo: The carnival's main handyman and the lead roustabout.
Drabarav: The carnival's resident palm reader; her gift is undeniable, despite her extreme youth and naivete.
Chokesarav: The carnival's blacksmith.
Chovexani: The carnival's curvacious witch, she casts curses for angry people, creates love potions for the perpetually horny or lonely, and manufactures amulets for sale.
Spiuni: A small carny, usually, but not always a child or dwarf, who spots and marks out those who have money to spend.
Trito Ursitori: The three chief actors; one specializes in heroes, one in villains and the third is the chief narrator of plays.
Sap Romni: The wife of the serpent is the carnival's chief snake handler and performs nightly, her famous serpent dance.
Veshengo: The carnival's archer and knife thrower.
Zoros: The Strongman.
Yungxo: The most attractive young man in the carnival, who acts as the young hero in plays and skits; he is also the strongman in training and a roustabout.
Pen Vala: The carnival's resident bearded lady and the carnival's primary gossip.
Gilabno: The male virtuoso.
Drabarno: An elderly male fortuneteller.
Kirvi Ataman: The head animal groom.
Meska: The smartest bear in the Balkans; he is a favorite of the gadje children for his seeming ability to understand spoken commands.
Kesali: An orphaned Roma girl, who has been taken in by the carnival; she has recently become apprentice to the storyteller.
Paguba: The supply crew, who make trips into Sofia proper and supplement their earnings with petty theft.
Nano Bino: The carnival's resident huckster and pimp, he exudes a greasy charm and lies with a the best of them.
Bara Chuchi: A big breasted, middle age gypsy woman who is the lead in the Gypsy Strip Show; she also acts as a madame for her daughters and Smentena.
But Guli: Bara Chuchi's daughter by Nano Bino, she is beautiful young gypsy girl in the flower of womanhood, the second in the Gypsy Strip Show and a budding prostitute.
Puterdea: Bara Chuchi's daughter by Zoros the Stongman, she is what they call a 'big girl'; she has no particlar talent for dancing, but dutifully 'turns tricks' at her mother's request.
Smentena: Cream as she is known, is a Nordic beauty who is being trained to dance by Bara Cuchi and But Guli; her past remains a mystery, but no one asks in the carnival.
Chorey: The carnival's official 'thief', a habitual drunkard who makes his living taking the blame for the carnival's less savory money making schemes. He usually spends more time behind bars than outside, but he is a integral part of the carnival way of life and as long as he has a bottle, he doesn't care.
Yak: A large and very strong freak with a single eye in the middle of his forehead, essentially a cyclops; he rounds out the strongman act - and a roustabout.
Nivasi: The mermaid.
Khan Khantino: A lowbrow comedian who makes his living through flatulent slapstick and vulgar jokes.
Johai: A combination of geek and medium; a.k.a - Ghost Vomit.
Cheeb: The carnival's professional lick-spittle who unceasingly compliments the gadje customers, but Cheeb's razor sharp wit can be purchased for equally offensive insults.
Dill: A strong, but retarded young man who makes his living as a roustabout and as the unwitting whipping boy of the crowd and the performers - especially Cheeb.
Niamo: The families of the carnival members.
Puyuria: Gadje gypsy-groupies.
Shanglo: The lone Rom constable, who patrols the carnival, presumably to deter crime.