Prison of the Mind

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Dementation 8

Those who claim that insanity is the root of inspiration could well cite this power as evidence. Some Malkavians can create realistic yet delusional environments in which victims' minds are trapped. When this power takes effect, the subject convulses for a moment and then collapses. She no longer senses the real world, and interacts entirely with phantom people and illusionary events. As long as the target's mind is locked in this psychic cell, her body ceases all but the most rudimentary functions in order to maintain life (in the case of Cainites, the subject effectively enters torpor).

System: The Malkavian must make eye contact and concentrate completely on the victim for a full turn. The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation in a resisted roll against the subject's Wits + Courage (both rolls are against a difficulty of 8). The length of time spent in the mental prison is determined by the successes obtains:

1 success 1 week
2 1 month
3 6 months
4 1 year
5 10 years

A mortal afflicted by Prison of the Mind must be spoonfed and personally attended - she becomes an utter invalid for the duration of the power's influence.