Path of Flesh

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The Roads

A Path on the Road of Lilith


Some Bahari follow a different path, that of Flesh. These cultists do not memorize long and involved mythologies. Rather, they accept Lilith as an expression, metaphorical or otherwise, of the powerful aspect of te feminie principle, as an exploration of the dark side of sensuality. Lilith may or may not have existed, but the truth of the mythological cycles is irrelevant. She is an archetype and aspirational vision.

Adherents study legends of Lilith along with biblical and mythological apocrypha to explore her concept as an archetypal guide, one who has relevance to both vampires and humanity. Lilith, they say, is a representative figure of humanity's worst, chtonic urges. She is everything that society rejects. By rejecting society's rules in turn, a member adopts the urges attributed to the Mother and truly understands what it means to exist. Society brands so many things as sinful. It forbids cannibalism, but people have consumed the flesh of fallen enemies for centuries. Society forbids self-mutilation, but the soul can awaken by exploring that pain. Society attempts to control and channel sensual hungers, but abolishing them makes these experiences all the more tempting. Followers of this path claim taht the curse of vampirism has within it the potential for utter experience. Immortal, possessed of heightened senses, almost indestructible... what better vehicle is there for exploring the dizzying heights of pleasure and pain? Denial, these cultists protest, defies vampire potential.

Advocates of the Path of Flesh seek to placate teh Beast through their explorations. The Beast is merely the hunger that drives a vampire. By satiating that hunger and experimenting with new experiences, practitioners hope to keep their sanity intact, their senses sharp and their intellects vital.
