Carry the Master's Voice

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Dominate 8

Members of those clans who possess Dominate often rely heavily on ghouls and other servants. As such, it is a small wonder that this power, which allows for a servant to carry a Dominate command from her master, has arisen. This power can be a potent tool for a Cainite lord with a number of trusted servants.

System: In order to grant a Dominate command to a carrier, said carrier must be under a blood oath or Lure of the Subtle Whisper (Dominate 4). The Dominate power imprinted must be one of the first three levels of the Discipline. The player spends a Willpower point and makes the standard roll for the power, noting the number of successes (the difficulty is considered 7, rather than the Willpower of the ultimate target). The carrier must make eye contact with the subject as normal to initiate the power. Then the initial die roll is compared to the target’s Willpower.

The power can affect anyone whom the user would normally be able to affect; if the user is fifth generation, then even her ghouls can dominate any Cainite of fifth generation or higher. A person, be it a Cainite, ghoul or mortal, can carry only a single application of this power at a time.