Lyle Hartford

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Birmingham / Ventrue

Lyle Hartford was an officer in the British Army, and a solicitor who investigated and prosecuted misanthropes within the ranks. His long and illustrious career ended in an abrupt retirement: He was selected for the embrace by his great-aunt Abigail, one of Lady Anne Bowsely's favorites. Four decades later, he accompanied his sire to Birmingham, and took up the post of Sheriff.

As Sheriff, he sees his role much as he did his mortal career: To find and punish those who violate the Traditions or endanger the sanctity of Birmingham's undead social structure. Above all, proper decorum must be maintained, and outsiders (once civilians, but now mortals and Anarchs) must be kept in the dark. He saves his greatest wrath for those who will or can not accept the consequences of their actions.

Lyle Hartford's Stats