Scavenging Tongues of Darkness

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Bruce Edward Zieger

Description: Somewhere between the rank two Obtenebration power called: Nocturne and the rank three Obtenebration power called Arms of Ahriman lies a power similar to both and yet unlike either. The function of this discipline technique called Scavenging Tongues of Darkness is to scour an area dictated by its creator for blood that exists outside a living or undead body and absorb that blood to feed its creator's unholy thirst. The Lasombra that has learned this discipline technique must conjure the Scavenging Tongues of Darkness through his mouth and the thirsty mass of midnight tongues that flow out of their creator's mouth must seek out any blood that has escaped the body, be it alive, dead or undead. Any open source of blood from something as trivial as a bloody-nose, a woman's menses, right up to blood sprayed forth from wounds inflicted upon the battlefield. This mass of black tongues doesn't just give the impression of caressing those caught within its cloying clutches, it actually searches their bodies and every other available surface for vitae, licking the blood from open wounds and the weapons that made them, and it is fully capable of lapping up the splattered blood of a sixty-car pileup.

System: Manipulation + Occult = difficulty of 7 and the player expends a point of blood. Successes represent the total blood that the Scavenging Tongues of Darkness can lap up before returning to its master. While the Scavenging Tongues of Darkness can obscure a scene or event due to the manner in which it manifests, it is an unintentional side-effect and as such, the creator cannot manipulate it to that end.

Requisite Disciplines: Obtenebration 2, Potence 1

Experience Cost: 14xp


Jamie, I would very much like your opinion of this discipline technique and I am likely to try to buy it rather soon. -- Bruce