Inspire Greatness

From The World Is A Vampire
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Discipline Techniques

Presence 3, Potence 2 or Fortitude 2

True leaders know how to inspire their followers to greatness, but Cainites can use the power of their vitae to inspire more than mere competence - they can push others beyond their normal limits.

To use this ability, the character must specifically try to inspire or urge a follower on in performing a physical task. This can be battle, a feat of strength or stamina, a physical conest, and so forth. The subject of this technique must look to the character for leadership and guidance, and the character must inspier the subject in some direct way through words or actions.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 7). Each success allows the player to spend one blood point to grant the subject a bonus in performing a feat of strength for the duration of the scene. The player cannot spend more blood points per turn than her character's generation normally allows, and no more than the character's generation normally allows, and no more than the character's rating in Fortitude or Potence (whichever one she wishes to grant the subject). Success can be split between Fortitude and Potence, if desired, up to the vampire's limits.

The effect also varies depending on the subject's nature. Vampires and ghouls gain dots in the appropriate Disciplines (Fortitude or Potence), even if they previously had no dots in them, witht he normal effects and benefits. Mortals gain extra dots in Strength or Stamina and can even exceed five dots, but do not gain the other benefits of fortitude or Potence, such as teh ability to soak lethal damage or automatic successes on Strength rolls. The benefit lasts for the scene or until the task at hand is complete.

Masters of Presence can apply the experience spent on Inspire Greatness in the greater power, Inspire Heroism.

Experience Cost: 21