Andrew Stone

From The World Is A Vampire
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Birmingham / Ventrue / Knights of the World Tree

Officer Andrew Stone had a knack for solving cases. He was even usually right. Over a ten year career, he earned a reputation for brutality, as well as an impressive arrest record and the fattest IA file in Birmingham. In early 2031, he crossed another line, crippling a suspect under interrogation on camera and before witnesses. Summarily fired, he was teetering on the edge of a lifetime of alchoholism and self-recrimination when he was given the opportunity to take his fight to the REAL bad-guys out there: The Sabbat.

Andy believes that the Sabbat is the source of all that is wrong with the world, all those things that he just couldn't fix as a cop, the boogy-men behind every gang and criminal organization. So far, he's only seen things that enforce this view. If he survives the war in England, he will come to a rude awakening.