Path of Penitence

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The Roads

A Path of the Road of Heaven

Sobrequiet: Penitents

While the High Clans wage war with one another over tracts of land and pursues of coin, a small faction of mostly Low Clan vampires remains dedicated to the one truth of their existences; that they are damned by god and must atone for their sins. Even among their fellow Faithful, these Cainites are austere. They are dedicated to the notion that unlife as a damned childe of Caine should not be pleasant or secure; that their condition is both a test and an opportunity - the last they'll ever get, in fact - to show their Creator that their damned souls are not beyond hope.

While traditional Faithful emphasize and often agree with the fundamental stance taken by the Penitents, most draw the line at the type of rigorous discipline and self-abuse the path requires of its adherents. And in all fairness to that reticence, it really is the most demanding path of the Via Caeli. Penitents hold fast to the Faithful ideals of worshipping god and understanding their own accursed natures, but for them the key to self-mastery lies in showing God just how faithful they truly are. They understand their Beast quite well, perhaps better than other Faithful, and they know that by keeping it weak and tame, they can avoid temptation and further spiritual disintegration.
