Morgan's Secrets

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Morgan Hanover Erlich

First Iteration

Ah, so many secrets to list and where to start.

Things began during the first lifetime as a kindred. I was first embraced as a 12th generation caitiff during a new years party 1997 in Denver Colorado that was crashed by the sabbat when they made a bid for control of that city. They drugged me with pcp and hallucinogens and then made the offer to let me live if I escaped them in a car chase. Predictably, I lost control of my car while racing down downtown Spear boulevard and ended up crashed on the bike path in the Platte river with my legs crushed just above the knees. This provided the Sabbat kindred with all the excuse they needed not to kill me but to embrace me as cannon fodder for their upcoming struggle against the Camarilla kindred of the city. I was able, with the help of my friends who had also been captured and embraced to extract myself from the clutches of the Sabbat and convinced Edward, Prince of Denver, that we were more useful to him undead than just dead.

The next few years of existence were similar to the experiences of most fledglings without mentors or responsible sires. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned, enmities were earned, debts were shoved down our throats etc. One of the few abilities that kept me among the undead was my knack for acting like a cockroach. I survived things that should have killed me or at the very least shunted me directly into torpor without passing go or collecting 200 dollars.

Things started getting weird when I was stuck in an elevator traveling down which was setting off sparks that ignited natural gas and of course this sets off the grumpy dragon in the back of my head. I promptly slam the door on Smaug and then there's this sinister voice in my head saying, "serve me and I'll make it all better". I tell mister smart-ass voice to suck my wang and finally reach the bottom floor of wherever the elevator was headed. Finally the elevator/circulation flame oven goes out and I exit the area post haste.

My history of evil truly begins with my first encounter with Dylan Bruce in London. Bruce Zieger and I were there when Dylan was making a mess and he decided to eliminate any witnesses to his bizarre abilities. The struggle was short and I was nearly catatonic from Dylan's use of Chains of Pleasure upon me as well as being extremely low on blood. Bruce knew from common Camarilla news that this was one of the red list members and that Dylan was of a potent generation compared to either of us. I don't really know what prompted him to do it but he grabbed me and had me sink my fangs into Dylan. I had never consumed kindred blood so potent and the likelihood of controlling myself from getting as much of that exquisite nectar as I was capable of was non-existent. This was my first diablerie and I was completely nuts by the time it was complete. Compound the insanities gained from the diablerie with Dylan's own and add a dash of his infernalism and you can get some idea of just how fucked up I was from that point on.

My memories of the time thereafter are a bit hazy but definitely involve some very sketchy business. Somehow I ended up gaining the attention of a rather famous hunter by the name of Sullivan Dane. Unfortunately, this happened during a period when the Prince had ruled that all kindred of the city were to avoid the hunters on pain of blood hunt. I have always had more than my share of bad luck and so it was that I was trying to check up on my mortal mother when Dane caught up with me. I attempted to escape from him but he didn't allow for that.

Second Iteration

Third Iteration

Roman Travels