Beathag Magoon

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Glasgow / Ventrue

Beathag Magoon was the daughter of an influential family. Her father was a Thane, more forward-looking than most, who spent a great deal of time looking after family mercantile interests in Glasgow. Ever pious (or perhaps jealous), he ensured that his wife and daughters spent their time in the convent.

Young Beathag learned what the Sisters had to teach quickly, and she came to the attention of the Mother Superior, who in turn brought her to the attention of her own patron, the ancient Seneschal of the associated monestary. Over the course of the next few decades, Brother Gilles came to rely on her keen eye and understanding of what was happening among the nobility and the merchant classes. He arranged her marriage, and made her immortal when she began to get ill in her advanced age.

Today, Beathag moves in government and financial circles, helping her sire keep an eye on the comings and goings of the powerful in Glasgow.

Appearance: A pale, brow-haired woman with a hint of the freckles she sported in her youth. Beathag straddles the line between dowdy woman and a pretty young socialite.

Beathag Magoon's Statistics