Path of the Grey Hunter

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The Roads

Description: The Grey Hunters are something of an anomaly among the Ferals. They do not hate civilization. Indeed, they believe that as the mortals flock to their cities and towns, so too must the Cainites. this is as it should be, for a hunter must move with its prey.

Sobriquet: Via Venator Umbra

Ethics of the Grey Hunter
- Civilization must become home to Cainites, as it is home to our prey.
- Alliances and agreements can be used to your advantage. Only a fool disregards a possible source of strength.
- The pleasures of civilization can delight the Beast. Take advantage of them as you desire.
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Virtues: Conviction & Instinct

Hierarchy of Sins against the Grey Hunter
10 - Failing to offer hospitality to an invited (or announced) visitor (Prey is plentiful. To hoard is needless)
9 - Avoiding an opportunity to hunt in the wilds (The Beast can run free in the wilds.)
8 - Not hunting an easy target when the opportunity presents itself (one should not allow one's skills to weaken)
7 - Shunning a gathering or celebration (The Grey Hunt depends on contact with others.)
6 - Avoiding contact with the civilization (The wilds are doomed. Civilization is the future)
5 - Making a sacrifice for a stranger (You owe others nothing)
4 - Refusing to kill when important to your safety (Nothing is more important than survival)
3 - Failing to defend your territory (Those who do not defend their territory have it taken from them)
2 - Showing mercy to an enemy (Mercy is for the weak)
1 - Abstaining from feeding when hungry (The Beast must be satisfied.)


Role-playing Tips: