Inquisition Membership

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Adapted from Black Hand membership.

You are a member of the feared Sabbat's Inquisition, the body of inquisitors and judges that weeds out the heresies that threaten the Sabbat's unity and identity. Having this background indicates that you are a full-fledged member of the organization, and you have all the responsibilities and benefits that accompany membership.

You may call upon members of the Inquisition to aid you, should you ever need it. Of course, this ability is a two-way street, and other Inquisitors may call upon you to aid them. Thus, you may find yourself assigned to perform assassinations, go undercover, or even further the political ends of the Inquisition as a diplomat or spy. You may also be required to attend crusades that take you away from your pack. All members of the Inquisition must heed the call of another Inquisitor, especially the superiors of the faction.

Being a member of the Inquisition is a prestigious matter, and other members of the Sabbat respect the organization. When dealing with other Sabbat, should you choose to reveal your affiliation with the Inquisition, you may add your rating in this Background to any Social dice pools, even after other Status or Abilities have been taken into account. many inquisitors choose not to reveal their allegiance. Also, the sect is small and insular: any member with at least two dots in this background knows of almost all other members. Liars, beware.

1) You are a grunt; you may call upon one fellow inquisitor once per story.
2) You are known and respected in the Inquisition; you may call upon two inquisitors once per story.
3) You are held in the Inquisitor's regard; you may call upon a group of inquisitors once per story.
4) You are a hero among members of the Inquisition; you may call upon seven Inquisitors twice per story (but you'd better have just cause: if it seems you're becoming soft, you may lose points in this Background). You are probably an Inquisitor General, and may mobilize many members of the Inquisition if the sect's goals are involved.
5) You are part of Inquisition legend; you may call upon 12 Inquisitors twice per story (but see the preceding caution). You may also lead many groups of Hand members into action should it ever become necessary.