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Generation measures the number of vampires in a direct line between the character and Caine, the First Vampire. Most new vampires in the Dark Medieval era are of the 12th generation, and having a lower generation than that means that an elder (or a successful diablerist) chose the character as a childe for reasons of her or its own. See p. 164 for the details on what benefits generation provides.

In the Modern Era, the base generation is 13th. Vampires may have a weaker generation by taking the 13th Generation (Dark Ages) or 14th Generation (modern era) flaw.

14th Generation: 8 Blood Points, Maximum Discipline level 4, blood expenditure 1/2 rounds.
13th Generation: 10 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 1/round.
12th Generation: 11 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 1/round.
11th Generation: 12 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 1/round.
10th Generation: 13 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 1/round.
9th Generation: 14 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 2/round.
8th Generation: 15 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 3/4ound.
7th Generation: 20 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 4/round. Maximum Trait level 6.
6th Generation: 30 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 6/round. Maximum Trait level 7.
5th Generation: 40 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 8/round. Maximum Trait level 8.
4th Generation: 50 Blood Points, Blood expenditure 10/round. Maximum Trait level 9.