Religious Prohibition

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Mental Merits & Flaws

2 or 4 point Flaw

You have retained your faith through the Embrace, and you suffer because your beliefs prohibit drinking the blood you need to survive. You may have lived as a believer in Islam or Judaism (both of which explicitly ban blood-drinking) or even as one of the strictly vegetarian Cathar perfecti. As even animal blood is a forbidden substance to you, your conscience pricks whenever you feed.
In the two-point version of this Flaw, you voluntarily restrict your feeding to animals or blood that has been drained by a ritual butcher. At four points, you refuse to feed unless it is an immediate necessity (blood pool is three or less), and even then, you may fall victim to depression and self-loathing for several nights after the forbidden act. Most vampires with this Flaw are on a version of the Road of Heaven, and they might also have the Outspoken Pagan/Heretic Flaw.