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Dominate 4

Alternate Power - Created by Chelsea

This power allows the character to strengthen the mental defenses of one of her allies, through long and painstaking work.

System This power may only be used on willing subjects. The player makes an extended Charisma + Leadership roll (difficulty of the target's permanent Willpower). A total of 30 successes is required for maximum effect; each 10 successes acquired grants the subject one effective Willpower point, to be used only for defense against mind-altering powers which use the target's Willpower either as a dice pool or a difficulty, thus the full 30 successes grants three effective Willpower points. Regardless of how many successes are scored, the target's "defensive Willpower" may not be raised above 10 through use of this power.

As per Conditioning, this Reinforcement will last indefinitely as long as the target has semi-regular interaction with the vampire who placed it. If the target goes 6 months (plus a number of weeks equal to the user's permanent Willpower score) without interacting with the vampire, the Reinforcement will fade. At any point during this span of time, the vampire need only make a successful Charisma + Leadership roll (difficulty of the target's permanent Willpower) to reset the duration of the effect. Again as with Conditioning, the vampire may reestablish the Reinforcement more easily after it lapses, requiring half the number of successes for each granted "defensive Willpower" point.