The Trick of Voyance is a heightening of perceptions, specifically those concerning pyschic energies that emanate from people, places and items. This heightened state of perception allows the Cierges to detect the psychic eminationa they hunger for and to hunt their prey. As the Cierges practice and strengthen their talents with Voyance the Astuce or Trick grows more potent allowing for the development of potential psychic abilities like: clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience. While not actively using their tricks of Voyance the Cierges find that their mundane perceptions are sharpened to an ever growing degree.
● Clairsentience
By definition Clairsentience is the ability to perceive emotions or psychic energy that are not normally detectable through the five mundane senses. The Cierge use clairvoyance to identify which among humanities masses are tuned to the preferred emotional frequency that the Cierge individually hunger for and the psychic strength of
System: Perception + Empathy = 6
●● Duoscience
●●● Title