Astral Necromancy
On the Nature of Astral Necromancy
Astral Necromancy differs somewhat from other forms of the necromancy in that it was largely practiced by an clerical underground that exchanged secrets of the art back and forth across Europe from the twelfth century onwards.
The key elements of Astral Necromancy are astrology, use of ceremonial circles and demonology. Each of these practices are occult fields in and of themselves, this blending of other esoteric arts with Necromancy creates a powerful fusion of occult pursuits that magnifies the efficacy of necromancy already dark allure.
Similar to other forms of necromancy the Astral practices are bound by the opposing concepts of Authority and Taboo. Practitioners can approach Astral death magic from either direction, but with radically different procedures and side-effects. Authoritarian practice assumes the caster to be altruistic or morally pure which usually translates into ritual purity rather than true piety. Tabooist practitioners by comparison must delve into degradation and impurity in order to empower themselves. Each approach has strengths and weaknesses. Authoritarian necromancers tend to grow slowly in power and last longer than their tabooist counterparts whose powers peak quickly but tend to burnout all too often.