Penitent Resilience

From The World Is A Vampire
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Discipline Techniques

Auspex 4, Valeren 4

With this power, a Salubri may briefly walk in the brightest sunlight without fear of injury. His purity defends him, allowing the sun to burn the Curse within and leave the flesh unmarred. Some Salubri believe a truly penitent vampire may use this power to burn out the Curse of Caine entirely and regain his mortality, but such legends are anecdotal at best.

System: The player may reflexively spend one blood point whenever the vampire is exposed to sunlight. Until the vampire exhausts his blood pool, he may not soak damage from sunlight. Such damage is rolled, rather than applied as automatic successes, and each level of injury burns one point of the Cainite’s vitae rather than inflicting actual wounds. Once the vampire runs out of blood, he suffers damage normally and may again soak with his usual Fortitude. Only Cainites who ascribe to the Virtues of Conscience and Self-Control may benefit from this power.

Experience Cost: 28