Paulino Giovanni's stats

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Paulino Giovanni / Istanbul

9th generation Giovanni (raised from 11th through diablerie). Embraced in 1824 by Nikolita Giovanni.
Nature: Conniver / Demeanor Gallant.

Str 4, Dex 5, Sta 5, Cha 3, Man 5, App 4, Per 5, Int 4, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 4 (crowds), Athletics 3 (sprinting), Brawl 4 (wrestling, sucker punches), Dodge 5, Empathy 4 (reading body language, detecting fears), Expression 3, Intimidation 5, Leadership 4, Streetwise 5 (Smuggling, Black Market, Mediterranean organizations), Subterfuge 5 (Lying, Spotting lies, hidden agendas)
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 2 (electronics), Drive 3, Etiquette 4 (negotiation, underworld), Firearms 5 (Sniper rifle, shotgun, automatic pistol), Melee 4 (stake, knives), Performance 4 (innocence), Security 4 (breaking electronic security, setting electronic security), Stealth 4 (blending with crowds), Survival 3 (counter-tracking), Haggling 5 (buying stolen goods, selling stolen goods), Demolitions 3 (booby traps)
Knowledges: Academics 3 (historical thefts), Computers 2, Finance 4 (laundering), Investigation 4 (casing, background checks), Law 4 (international, Interpol), Linguistics 5 (global and Mediterranean languages), Medicine 3 (crippling mortals), Occult 3 (Wraiths), Politics 4 (treaties), Science 3 (Chemistry, Engineering), Wraith Lore 2, Istanbul Lore 3, Istanbul Secrets 2, Giovanni Lore 3, Vampire Lore 3. Other appropriate cities 1-3.

Disciplines: Potence 5, Dominate 5, Necromancy 3 Protean 4, Fortitude 4, Celerity 3, Animalism 2, Serpentis 1, Presence 3, Obfuscate 4, Auspex 3. Discipline Techniques: Sorcerous Paths: (Sepulcher 3, Bone 2), Rituals: A handful of the more basic Giovanni Necromancy.

Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 6, Fame 1, Generation 4, Herd 5, Influence: Istanbul Police 2, Turkish Coast Guard/Navy 3, Smugglers 5, Shipping Industry 2, Resources 5, Retainers 5 (heavily armed, competent bodyguard force, Military Force 4 (vast numbers of thugs and toughs working for small bills, and a quickly rotating supply of reasonably skilled, poorly informed mercenaries), Status 1, Giovanni Status 2.

Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
Path of Enlightenment: Humanity 4
Willpower: 8

Secrets: He has diablerized twice: Once in the early 1930's: A Middle-Eastern Gangrel named Muhammed. Muhammed's small brood may feel the need to take revenge if they learn of the specifics of their sire's demise. Once, about a year ago: A Settite named Marwat, who came to him after being attacked by Assamites. Marwat spent the day in Paulino's care, and never awoke: he had fallen into torpor. Paulino took two weeks waiting for any sign that Marwat's allies might be looking for him, then decided to take advantage of the opportunity that had fallen into his lap. He likes to consider it payment for services rendered.
Plots: Survive, get ahead, and get as much out of this ass-fucked hairball as possible.
Destiny: Marwat's sire will eventually find her childe's killer. Revenge will be brutal and slow. The fallout could damage the fragile alliance against the Assamites.