Path of the Tyrant

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The Roads



Ethics of Tyranny
- Power is yours for the taking, if only you have the will to seize it.
- Honor your obligations, as they will earn you allies and loyal servants.
- It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.




Tyrannical Virtues: Conviction & Self-Control

Hierarchy of Sins against Tyranny
10 - Neglecting an opportunity to gain power. (Opportunity comes only to those who seize it.)
9 - Treating a peer with disrespect. (Do not make enemies unnecessarily.)
8 - Treating an inferior as an equal. (Never let your inferiors get above themselves.)
7 - Giving up power to a peer. (Power is not gained by giving it away.)
6 - Behaving shamefully before your peers. (Your reputation is a part of your influence.)
5 - Showing weakness in front of inferiors. (A leader must be strong.)
4 - Failing to answer a challenge to your authority. (Those who do not protect their power soon lose it.)
3 - Treating a superior with disrespect. (Superiors must be given the respect they are due.)
2 - Breaking your word to your superiors. (Your word is your bond. If your word is worthless, then so are you.)
1 - Breaking a sworn oath. (Oaths of fealty hold the world together.)


Role-playing Tips: