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History: Lotharius was the prince of Vienna during the Dark Ages. A childe of Etrius, he was responsible for the transportation of Tremere's torpid body to Vienna and was also among the first assembled Primogen of Jürgen of Madgeburg.

Born 984 in Cologne, he was inducted to the Order of Hermes at the age of eight. He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the order's youngest masters, before he started travelling the lands as a diplomat for the Order. In 1012, he befriended Etrius who introduced him to House Tremere.

During his stay in Ceoris, he vanished because of a magical accident for twenty years and when he returned, the House had started to adopt vampirism in order to escape their weakening magic.

He reluctantly accepted the Embrace from Etrius and, afterwards, traveled the world again, in order to act as an diplomat for the new clan and to hunt Salubri. In 1032, he was made Pontifex of Austria and tasked to form it into a base of power for the clan.

He quickly usurped control over Vienna from the previous prince, Valerianus, and transformed Vienna into the bastion of power that the Tremere has kept until this day. Most of his concerns, however, were regarded to the Tzimisce and to the growing influence of their Methuselah Shaagra.

During a journey to Berlin in 1235, Lotharius Embraced the witch-hunter Karl Schreckt, who would later become the Tremere clan's Justicar.

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  • Sire: Etrius
  • Generation: 6th
  • Embrace: 185 BC