Weak Aura
Revision as of 23:48, 4 January 2013 by Jamie (talk) (Created page with "Supernatural Merits & Flaws 2 point Merit or 2 point Flaw Your personality and outlook have relatively little unintentional effect on others. You may well be a master of P...")
2 point Merit or 2 point Flaw
Your personality and outlook have relatively little unintentional effect on others. You may well be a master of Presence and other forms of manipulation, but that is all planned. Your road aura is very weak, manifesting only if you are a true exemplar or reprobate of your belief system. Your aura modifier is as follows:
Road Rating Aura Modifier
10-9: -1 difficulty
8-3: no modifier
2-1 +1 difficulty
This trait is a Merit if your starting Road trait is 4 or less, and a Flaw if it is 5 or more. The Storyteller may also rule that you do not cause unconscious Presence effects (see p. 205). For complete information on roads and auras, see p. 161.