Pacific Heights

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Neighborhoods of San Francisco

SF - Pacific Heights.jpg

As prisons go, Pacific Heights is perhaps the most luxurious the world has seen. Its lavish residences provide homes for technology barons, bank presidents and, in the modern nights, those Kindred sufficiently useful to the New Promise Mandarinate.

Any Kindred who makes a clear effort on behalf of the New Promise Mandarinate earns a shot at Pacific Heights. Assignment to this M-T Sector is a priority among Kindred intent on pursuing a lengthy unlife in San Francisco. The district is large, the Kindred population small and the havens, while expensive, remain affordable by those with four or more dots in the Resources Background. Pacific Heights is comfortable and sits close enough to the city’s hub of power that the more politically minded Kindred consider it a perfectly respectable base from which to lobby the Kuei-jin.

The Pacific Heights Sector is bounded by Chestnut Street to the north, California Street to the south, Scott Street to the west and Van Ness Avenue to the east. It includes the popular Union Street Shopping district, Alta Plaza, Lafayette Park, Pacific Medical Center and the University of the Pacific. Add in several hotels and other tourist draws, and you have exceptionally rich feeding grounds for the resident Kindred.

Relocation to Pacific Heights is no small matter. It requires significant effort, political finesse and subservience to the Quincunx. Speaking Chinese (any dialect, though the Quincunx prefers Mandarin) sets Kindred far ahead in the running for a cushy Pacific Heights reassignment. The Quincunx’s representatives find English bland and don’t like using it. They automatically upgrade any Kindred familiar with their native Tongue from “barbarian” to “ potential tool.” These Kindred must truly believe, or at least convince the Quincunx they believe, the New Promise Mandarinate is the way of the future, is better than the Camarilla and is worth the dedication of effort. They must willingly advocate the Quincunx’s position to other Kindred and apprise the Mandarinate of the Camarilla’s position and — ideally — strategies. Ventrue, prized for their persuasion skills, earn priority status for allocation to Pacific Heights.