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Minister House Chantry

Sigil of Cinquain.jpg

The Cinquain (a group of five; pronounced: sin-cane) are a loose alliance of recently acquainted you apprentices.

Initial purpose

Three houses of the Order have been attacked, as well as a scattering of other Tradition chantries. The Masters of Minister House have allocated these five students to go forth and gather information. They are of course shadowed by their teachers, but in an effort to train and use manpower effectively these students are the first line of information gatherers on the attacks.


Current Members |
Mage OOH Bertram Yunus Emre Mac Aodha.jpg -- Bertram Yunus Emre Mac Aodha -- Mage OOH Levent Nolan.jpg -- Levent Nolan --
Mage OOH Clive Batts.jpg -- Clive Batts -- Mage OOH Winnona Rites.jpg -- Winnona Rites --
-- Ostanes -- The Red Wizard