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Dice Pool: Manipulation + Survival = 5

Cost: Imbue 1 Divinity

Description: Despite the fact that mankind has developed civilization
and technology, there is an entirely different side to humans, the animal
side. It can be surprising how fast civilization ends and mankind returns
to a primitive state without all the constraints of the rules of humanity,
and how easy it is to accept the animal that lies just beneath the skin.

The Avatar lets out a wild scream or animalistic shout and fixes their gaze upon an individual or a trivial group. Thereafter the individual or group are subject to their basest instincts and will move to satisfy those needs with the nearest source of gratification available.

The Avatar's player rolls Manipulation + Survival at a difficulty of five (5) and each success strips a single die from the civilized pools of the targeted individual's abilities, including: all knowledges, archery, commerce, crafts, etiquette, melee, performance, and ride. Likewise the talents of: expression, leadership, and legerdemain are also affected in the same manner.

Groups of trivial targets may be affected for free and the Power lasts for a scene. All affected may spend a willpower per turn to ignore the effects of this power barring those of a trivial nature.