Talk:Lore of Death

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I don't like these powers. I feel like this is a poor copy of Necromancy powers from Vampire. I will think about that. Mist Guide 10:55, 16 April 2021 (MDT)

Lore of the Host

Description: The Lore of Death allows the Angel to inflict both physical and spiritual decay, to know death, and to rule the bodies of the dead. This Lore is similar to and serves the same purpose as the Discipline of Mortis.

It is known as Lore of Mortality in some sources (most likely an older name). This Lore is passed down by the Children of Azrael.


This evocation allows the ‘’Angelus’‘ to look into the eyes of a person or animal and see the manner in which he or she will most likely die. This is looking at one sentence possible in the Book of the Dead. Interference by the Divine or Damned can easily change this finality, for on Earth, free will can trump fate.

System: Roll Perception + Awareness. The number of successes achieved determines the amount of detail your character can determine about the mortal's fate. One success provides a picture of the moment of death. Each additional success goes further forward in time to see possible variations. One success gives the most likely mundane ending. Each success gives and alternate time and possible end. It also provides a broader context for the circumstances behind the person's passing.

Torment: Monstrous demons are able to discern a subject's fate only if that person will die as a result of violence, whether accidental or intentional.

●● Ashes to Ashes

One of Azrael’s primary powers, this evocation accelerates the process of decay, reducing living and non-living matter to its component particles.

System: The ‘’Angelus’‘ must be able to touch his intended target to perform this evocation. Roll Stamina + Medicine. Each success inflicts one health level of aggravated damage (lethal damage to a mortal). If performed on a dead body, each success removes a point from the body's Stamina. When all the dots have been eliminated, the body is reduced to dust. The process works in a similar fashion on inanimate objects, but the difficulty varies depending on an object's composition. Decaying an article of wood or cloth, for example, is difficulty 7, white decaying a piece of plastic is difficulty 8. Decaying metal is difficulty 9, and stone is 10. Each success decays one cubic foot of material.

Torment: Monstrous demons affect people and objects in an area as opposed to single targets. Everything within a radius of yards equal to the character's Faith score is affected.

Keith -- I'm confused. Why are we putting this here? -- "The Magister 13:21, 17 April 2021 (MDT)"