Ancient Order of Aeon Rites

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Wizards & Witches


AOAR members believe strongly in the existence of God or "I AM" as they call him. This stems from their founder, Johannes Agrippa, whose is said to have received visions from God even at a young age. It is believed that God bestowed upon humanity perfect rituals that were recorded by ancient mystics long ago, but their secrets where scattered into various lesser magical rituals as man was not deemed ready for them. The AOAR believes that it is their duty to restore these lost rites and thus bring about a golden age of mankind.


Early History

The AOAR was founded in 1873 by Johannes Agrippa, after he left a previous magical order he was invited to. The main headquarters of the order is in Amsterdam where Johannes lived and the original copy of the Book of the Aeon Rites is stored. After his death in 1888 , the order experienced turmoil and with no charismatic leader to guide them, the order slowly dwindled down to a handful of faithful members who kept the order and its research alive.

Modern Nights

The order experienced change in the 1960s and 1970s, when they received a massive surge in their membership. This was the era of a renewed interest in spirituality and the occult and the AOAR gladly accepted the new members and to this day they extensively research ancient magical traditions to reconstruct what they believe are the idealized forms of the Aeon Rites granted by the Creator for the benefit of mortals.