Les Acadiens

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Sabbat -=XVIII=- Ville-Marie Colony
It is said that, no longer encumbered by Europe's Camarilla, these Sabbat acted on their predatory whims. They stole into native villages, skinned adults and fed on children. It didn't take long for the Iroquois to retaliate in significant numbers. The attack frightened the Sabbat because it happened during the day while they slept.
In the aftermath of the Indian attack, five of the Sabbat left the colony of Ville-Marie to stage a counterattack that would hopefully prevent the Iroquois from approaching the colony again, but their foe was prepared and the vampires were outnumbered and brutally slaughtered. Almost all Les Acadiens were dragged down and torn limb from limb, including their leader Louis Drapeau. The sole survivor was a Tzimisce Koldun named Connaught, accompanied by his Bratovitch servants.
When Sabbat reinforcements arrived, even Connaught's ghouls had been slain, as he sacrificed them to buy himself time. The newly arrived Cainites took their fallen comrades' places in Ville-Marie and perpetuated the name of Les Acadiens, with Connaught as their Pack priest. And although the Iroquois' aggression continued well after 1666, with attacks on colonists and native tribes allied with the French, it was the Sabbat - disguised as natives - who were responsible for a great deal of the brutality inflicted on their own countrymen. The ongoing war with the Iroquois was hurting the Sabbat as well back then, and it gave birth to a ledger called Liber Defuctorum.


Rites and Practices

Connaught -- A Tzimisce koldun resident of the Montreal area, back when it was still the colony of Ville-Marie. (Sole survivor of the Iroquois ambush that destroyed the rest of the pack)
Aline Proulx --
Rían Farrell --
Cándido Méndez --
[[]] --
[[]] --

Deceased Members
Louis Drapeau -- Louis Drapeau was a French Gangrel antitribu, and the Ductus of Sabbat coven known as Les Acadiens during the 16th and 17th centuries. <sire unknown>
Fabrice Lucas -- A twisted physician turned craftsman of strange artifacts. <childe of Connaught>
Flavienne Plourde -- In life she had been a French aristocrat, but after her embrace she took up the lifestyle of a murderous prostitute. <sire unknown>
Sœur Sylviane -- A former nun who took up with a native and was taken as a childe by Louis Drapeau after the slaughter of her tribe. <childe of Louis Drapeau>