Nathaniel Simmons, the Scourge of London

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Background: From early on, Simmons's only pleasure was the hunt. As his family was poor, he often poached the local wildlife, until he was eventually caught. He was brought before the local lord, and was saved from execution by the Gangrel domitor of the secretly ghouled lord. Vilmius ghouled Simmons after he had proven his worth by aiding the noble's son in succeeding his father by killing him. The old Gangrel had made a game out of this, pitting son against father. For centuries Simmons and his domitor lived there, until Archon Geoffrey Leigh discovered the practices of the Gangrel overlord. Desperate, Vilmius set fire to the estate and Embraced Nathaniel, hoping that the frenzied neonate would distract the Archon long enough that he could escape. Instead, Simmons betrayed his sire and left afterward, wandering through various domains and dabbling in Camarilla politics. Soon he was feared as a master of the Blood Hunt, always killing his prey before dawn. When he eventually settled in London, many Cainites watched their steps more closely, for everyone knew that if a hunt were to be called out, it would be fatal.

Position: Former Seneschal.