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Avatar: The Godhead ~*~ Avatar ~ Character Sheet

Discussion: Every God across all the pantheons has at least one Divine Attribute associated with him or her, and it is those Divine Attributes that the Gods’ descendants develop most easily. Scions of Baldur or Aphrodite naturally inherit their divine parents’ symmetry and clean lines, which manifests as ALLURE. Children of Athena, Ptah or Quetzalcoátl are all naturally inclined to mind-expanding epiphanies that blossom into GENIUS. The most versatile Gods—such as Odin, Amaterasu or Atum-Re—pass on natural aptitudes for several Divine Attributes.

Divine Attributes derive from an Avatar's Provinces, however, rather than solely from the legacy of his divine parent. Therefore, every Avatar character can develop any Divine Attribute. Those associated with the divine parent come more easily to the child, but none are denied him. It wouldn’t be out of the question for Avatars descended of Loki or Legba to turn to MIGHT to get themselves out of trouble should their clever schemes go south on them. And woe be unto the titan-spawn who doesn’t account for just that possibility.

MIGHT -- The Dominion of supernatural strength.
FINESSE -- A Dominion devoted to supernatural dexterity.
ENDURANCE -- Supernatural stamina is represented through this Dominion.
ALLURE -- This Dominion of supernatural charisma can convince most anyone of most anything.
SUPREMACY -- A Dominion of supernatural manipulation allows an Avatar to turn people into hand puppets.
REVELATION -- The Dominion of Revelation governs all aspects of appearance. Its wielders can be supernaturally beautiful, monstrously ugly or simply unseen.
APPREHENSION -- Far more than just a Dominion of preternatural senses, this divine attribute allows an Avatar to see the unseen, perceive omens, flashes of the future or see into other realms.
GENIUS -- Beyond mortal intelligence, genius allows Avatars superior computational skill, exceptional creativity in diverse endeavors to such a degree that they can advance human civilization.
CORUSCATION -- The Dominion of supernatural wits, those Avatars who have invested in this divine attribute can think at the speed of light, reacting to perceived threats far faster than their brethren.


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