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The term dominion means the power or right of governing and controlling; sovereign authority. But with respect to deities, the term dominion comes to mean something similar, but different. Here dominion refers to sovereign authority over a given aspect of reality, such aspects cover a wide variety of material phenomena such as: animals, plants, rocks, geographic features such as mountains or rivers or other entities of the natural environment, including thunder, wind and shadows. The deity's divine authority allows him or her to command these diverse phenomena through their spiritual element and each deity's dominion over their chosen phenomena grants them nearly uncontested control of those phenomena.


There are three classifications of dominions: common, pantheon, and sacerdotal. Common dominions are available to all deities regardless of their pantheon, sacred band or parentage, provided they are not anathema to the deity or violate that deity's taboo. Pantheon specific dominions are only available to deities who belong to a specific pantheon and cannot be taught to another deity outside the pantheon. Sacerdotal dominions are very specialized dominions that govern the more mysterious powers of the universe like: fate, magic, prophesy and sacrifice. Most deities with sacerdotal dominions are perceived as having a greater power over their progeny, sacred band or pantheon and as such, they are usually loath to teach these secret dominions to other deities regardless of their relationship.

Character Creation

At the point of character creation, players may take up to three Dominions, one gained from their Divine Progenitor, one gained from their Pantheon and one jointly learned in tandem with their Sacred Band. Those Dominions taken by the Sacred Band must be agreed upon by the group of players before hand.


Each dominion is further broken down into classifications of potency known as the lesser dominions and the greater dominions. Lesser dominions are available to demi-gods and lesser deities, while the greater dominions are only available to full-fledged gods. Within each delineation of the lesser or greater dominions, individual acts of dominion are called powers. For example, the first power within the Lesser Dominion of Beasts is Beast Speech which allows the deity in question to converse with most animals. Both lesser and greater dominions are broken down into five powers ascending from weakest to strongest, so the fifth and strongest power of a given lesser dominion would be slightly weaker than the first and weakest power of the greater dominion. Despite this arrangement, there is a considerable jump in potency between the lesser and greater dominions.

Common Dominions

Common Lesser Dominions Common Greater Dominions
Lesser Dominion of Beasts
Lesser Dominion of Chaos
Lesser Dominion of Darkness
Lesser Dominion of Death
Lesser Dominion of Earth
Lesser Dominion of Fertility
Lesser Dominion of Fire
Lesser Dominion of Guardianship
Lesser Dominion of Justice
Lesser Dominion of Luck
Lesser Dominion of Moon
Lesser Dominion of Passion
Lesser Dominion of Sky
Lesser Dominion of Sleep
Lesser Dominion of Spirit
Lesser Dominion of Sun Greater Dominion of Sun
Lesser Dominion of Vitality Greater Dominion of Vitality
Lesser Dominion of War Greater Dominion of War
Lesser Dominion of Water Greater Dominion of Water

Lesser Dominions of Pantheon

Lesser Dominions of the Aesir -- The Norse Gods Lesser Dominions of the Dodekatheon -- The Olympian Gods
Lesser Dominion of Blóð af jotunnum -- Secrets of the Aesir Lesser Dominion of Epikrátisi -- Mysteries of the Dodekatheon

Lesser Dominions Sacerdotal

Lesser Dominion of Fate Lesser Dominion of Prophesy
Lesser Dominion of Magic Lesser Dominion of Sacrifice