Pax Romana ~ Demon Sheet

From The World Is A Vampire
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[Personal Symbol] Image [Cult Symbol]
Character: [Name] Nature: [] Pantheon: [[Celtic/Germanic/Roman]
Player: Storyteller Demeanor: [] Band: []
Chronicle: World of Darkness -- Pax Romana Concept: [] Dominion: []
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Physical Social Mental
Strength ○○○○○○○○ Charisma ○○○○○○○○ Perception ○○○○○○○○
Dexterity ○○○○○○○○ Manipulation ○○○○○○○○ Intelligence ○○○○○○○○
Stamina ○○○○○○○○ Appearance ○○○○○○○○ Wits ○○○○○○○○
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ○○○○○○○○ () Animal Ken ○○○○○○○○ () Academics ○○○○○○○○ ()
Athletics ○○○○○○○○ () Archery ○○○○○○○○ () Enigmas ○○○○○○○○ ()
Awareness ○○○○○○○○ () Commerce ○○○○○○○○ () Hearth Wisdom ○○○○○○○○ ()
Brawl ○○○○○○○○ () Crafts ○○○○○○○○ () Investigation ○○○○○○○○ ()
Empathy ○○○○○○○○ () Etiquette ○○○○○○○○ () Law ○○○○○○○○ ()
Expression ○○○○○○○○ () Melee ○○○○○○○○ () Medicine ○○○○○○○○ ()
Intimidation ○○○○○○○○ () Performance ○○○○○○○○ () Occult ○○○○○○○○ ()
Leadership ○○○○○○○○ () Ride ○○○○○○○○ () Politics ○○○○○○○○ ()
Legerdemain ○○○○○○○○ () Stealth ○○○○○○○○ () Seneschal ○○○○○○○○ ()
Subterfuge ○○○○○○○○ () Survival ○○○○○○○○ () Theology ○○○○○○○○ ()
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Secondary Abilities Backgrounds Merits & Flaws
Linguistics ○○○○○○○○ () [K] Allies ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Contacts ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Domain ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Fame ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Influence ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Mentor ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Military Force ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Resources ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Retainers ○○○○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○○○○ () Status ○○○○○○○○ () ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Health Levels --- ---
Bruised (0) - { } --- ---
Hurt (-1) ---- { } --- ---
Injured (-1) - { } --- ---
Wounded (-2) - { } --- ---
Mauled (-2) -- { } --- ---
Crippled (-5)- { } --- ---
Incapacitated- { } --- ---
Final Death --- Reference: [1]