Time+Place+Event | 3 Keys to Ancestral Memory | Time+Place+Event |
To any one of like mind are there windows between every event known to any one of them. | To any one of kindred spirit are there paths between every place known to any one of them. | To any one of the same blood are there doors between every time known to any one of them. |
Like minds share a window on the same events. | Kindred spirits find a path to the same places. | Blood is the key to eternity. |
Dedication & Acknowledgement: I would like to dedicate this page in thanks to: Sonnenradbanner of Deviant Art for the picture above and huldap also of Deviant Art for her poetry. All praise to you. -- "The Magister 20:58, 18 April 2019 (MDT)"
Prologue: - Teutoburg Forest -- 762 Ab urbe condita (9 C.E.)
Theotman held Odila close to him where they lay wrapped in a rug of furs
Drei Schlüssel zum Ahnengedächtnis
Time, Place & Event.
To any one of like mind are there windows between every event known to any one of them.
To any one of kindred spirit are there paths between every place known to any one of them.
To any one of the same blood are there doors between every time known to any one of them.
Like minds share a window on the same events.
Kindred spirits find a path to the same places.
Blood is the key to eternity.
Wifilisburg has a temperate seasonal climate dominated by humid westerly winds. Wifilisburg gets an average of 31 inches of precipitation per year; there is no consistent dry season. Winters are cool and summers tend to be warm: temperatures can exceed 86 °F.
Locations within the Village
- -- Village Well
- -- Village Common
- -- Smithy
- -- Mill
- -- The Fields
- -- Northern Fields (Fallow)
- -- Eastern Fields
- -- Western Fields
- [4 C.E.] -- A small Roman hill-fort (Kneblinghausen) was established by the general (and later emperor) Tiberius as he entered Germania and subjugated a trio of Germanic tribes south of Teutoburg Forest.
- [9 C.E.] -- Barbarian forces take the hill-fort in preparation for the ambush of three Roman legions within Teutoburg Forest.
Roman Era
The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, described as the Varian Disaster (Clades Variana) by Roman historians, took place in the Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE, when an alliance of Germanic tribes ambushed and decisively destroyed three Roman legions and their auxiliaries, led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. The alliance was led by Arminius, a Germanic officer of Varus's auxilia. Arminius had acquired Roman citizenship and had received a Roman military education, which enabled him to deceive the Roman commander methodically and anticipate the Roman army's tactical responses.
Despite several successful campaigns and raids by the Romans in the years after the battle, they never again attempted to conquer the Germanic territories east of the Rhine river. The victory of the Germanic tribes against Rome's legions in the Teutoburg Forest would have far-reaching effects on the subsequent history of both the ancient Germanic peoples and the Roman Empire. Contemporary and modern historians have generally regarded Arminius' victory over Varus as "Rome's greatest defeat", making it one of the rarest things in history, a truly decisive battle, and as "a turning-point in world history".
The Middle Ages
Current Events
The census of 1094 A.D. take by the seneschal of the new Grad upon his assumption of power in Wifilisburg revealed a population of just 257 souls.
The latest census taken in the spring of 1096 A.D. reveals a population of 1763 Christians, a vast increase in two years suggesting an economic boom has occurred and the population continues to increase by the day.
- Population (1763), 1096 A.D.
- Wifilisburg 1096 Census
Citizens of Wifilisburg
The Four Castes of Wifilisburg
Die Grafen von Werl-Arnsberg
- Friedrich der Streitbare -- Graf (count), second surviving son and heir apparent to his father Count Konrad II of Werl-Arnsberg (d.1092).
- Mathilde von Northeim -- Gräfin (countess) widow of Werl-Arnsberg (she mourns for her dead husband and eldest son Hermann who died in 1092).
- Heinrich von Arnsberg -- Youngest son and Earl of Arnsburg (in Arnsburg).
- Aveza von Wifilisburg -- Daughter and youngest child of Count Konrad II and Mathilde von Northeim.
- Walhberct Richard -- Pater (father)
- Oda Schenck -- Mutter Oberin (mother superior)
- -- Dietfried Aesop -- A leather-worker and tailor.
- -- Eustathius Sigimund -- Metal worker (Armorer/Smith)
- -- Horsa Helmold -- Wainwright
- -- Chariton Ercanbald -- Carpenter/Mason
- --
- -- Waldo Duilius -- Apprentice to Eustathius Sigimund
- -- Fortunatus Wolf -- Apprentice to Horsa Helmold
- Hálfdan -- Village Elder
- Hunfrid -- Elder Serf
- Erlendr -- Free Holder
- Sigiheri
- Yngvarr
- Yngvarr
- Gislin
The Dead
- -- Aldo {ran away with the Pageant - deceased}
- -- Theotleip {ran away with the Pageant - deceased}
- Twelfth Night (January) -- Religious festival and feasts celebrating the visit of the Wise Men, or Magi, following the birth of Jesus.
- St Valentine's Day (February) -- The Medieval festival celebrating love - singing, dancing and pairing games.
- Carnival (Late February - Early March) --
- Easter (March) -- Easter celebrated by the Mystery plays depicting the crucifixion.
- Lent (40 days)
- Ash Wednesday (start of Lent)
- Holy Week (last week of Lent before Easter)
- Good Friday (end of Lent)
- Easter Sunday
- All Fool's Day (April) -- The Jesters, or Lords of Misrule, took charge for the day and caused mayhem with jokes and jests!
- May Day (May) -- May Day was a spring festival celebrating May Day when a Queen of the May was chosen and villagers danced around the maypole.
- Midsummer Eve (June) -- Midsummer Eve, the Mummers entertained at the 'Festival of Fire' reliving legends such as St George and the Dragon. Bones were often burned leading to the term 'bonfire'. The summer Solstice was June 23rd.
- St. Swithin's Day (July) -- St. Swithin's Day falls on 15th July. Legend says that during the bones of St Swithin were moved and after the ceremony it began to rain and continued to do so for forty days.
- Lammas Day (August) -- Lammas Day was celebrated on August 2nd. The ' loaf-mass ' day, the festival of the first wheat harvest of the year. Houses were sometimes decorated with garlands and there were candle lit processions.
- Michaelmas (September) -- The 29th September was when Michaelmas celebrated the life of St Michael and the traditional food on Michaelmas was goose or chicken.
- St Crispin's Day (October) -- October 25th celebrating St Crispin's Day. Revels and bonfires and people acted as 'King Crispin' .
- All Souls Day (November) -- The Day of the Dead - All Souls Day or All Hallow's Day ( Halloween ) when revels were held and bonfires were lit.
- Christmas (December) -- December 25 is celebrated as the birthday of Christ.
Castle of Wifilisburg
Law & Lawlessness
Triumphal Way
- Gates of Wifilisburg (incomplete)
Bath Houses
- House of Frigg -- Rudesind is owner and operator
- Old Cemetery -- Now buried
- New Cemetery -- Located outside New Town
- Old Town Square
- New Town Square
Private Residences
- The Parsonage
- Convent of St.John the Evangelist [1]
- Æthelred -- Blacksmith
- Anzo the Giant -- Sargent & Giant
- Avila -- Busty red-head
- Cengiz -- As Mercuzio Tiberus
- Bolverk -- Scandinavian Warrior
- Thancmar -- German Warrior
- Ekkehard -- A tough mercenary haunted by bad memories.
- Frater Eadweard -- False Monk
- Sunniva -- Wolf Dancer
- Ragemprand -- Wandering Skald
Whore Houses
- Die Katzenhaus -- A very cozy place literally crawling with cats and a dozen whores.
- Frida das Fett -- Hure Herrin (whore mistress)
- Hugo -- Brothel Night Guard
- Baldovin -- Brothel Day Guard
Wraiths of Wifilisburg
Kreis der Erschlagenen
- Adallindis
- Ermendrud
- Ortrun
- Saxa
- Linza der Rote -- Dame der Nacht {died: June 5th of 1096}
The Temporal Rift
Storytelling Wifilisburg
Stories of Wifilisburg
Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
https://www.alisonensis.de/EN/A%20Teutoburg%20Forest%20Battle/A%20Teutoburg%20Forest%20Battle.html {*****}