Murmur of the False Will

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Dominate 2

Murmur of the False Will is more than simply an extension of the Observance of the Spoken Word, though it may be used as such. In this case, clearly worded instructions are given to the target, who must immediately obey. Orders may also be given to be carried out at another specified time - “at moonset" or "next spring" - or in response to a specific event - "when next you attend the voivode" or "when you next hear the phrase: ‘Sleep well my lady.'" The clarity of the orders affects the subject's alacrity and skill in carrying them out. Eye contact must be maintained continuously between the dominator and his subject when the orders are given; this is not an ability that can be used politely. The instructions will be carried out at any length, but a wise Cainite knows that extended and detailed commands are more likely to confuse the subject or introduce unforeseen elements into the path of events.

A much more subtle use of this ability simply imposes an idea or concept on the victim's mind - "You are a brave warrior" or "Your lord's wife is a very handsome woman." The subject includes this idea in his or her routine activities, acting on it as opportunity permits and according to his or her Nature. Again, eye contact must be maintained throughout the implanting of the idea, but one may do so more subtly than by giving a string of precise instructions.

The commanding Cainite may impose only one set of instructions or insinuated idea on a subject at any given time. Imposing a new command or concept aborts the previous instructions, no matter how incomplete, or negates the imposed idea, In many cases, replacing one concept with another or with a command is the only way be rid of it - once subject to this power, most victims are never completely free-willed again. Another Cainite who wishes to command the same subject may do so, but only a Cainite of a generation equal to or lower than that of the first dominator can impose conflicting commands or ideas.

Commands given using this power may nor force the subject to directly harm herself. Neither commands nor implanted ideas can force the subject to act contrary to her Nature.

System: The player makes a Manipulation + Leadership roll with a difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower. The number of successes determines how well the suggestion is implanted. At fewer than three successes, the subject does not do anything she finds too strange (riding a horse naked through the streets of town, for instance), but she performs instructions or parts of instructions that seem reasonable. With four successes, the subject carries out orders completely unless doing so greatly endangers her. (Engaging in fisticuffs with unarmed opponents can be expected, for example, but punching an armored knight cannot.) At five successes, the subject obeys nearly any command.

To countermand or contradict another's orders, the character must be of equal or lower generation than the original dominator, and the player must roll more successes on a Manipulation + Intimidation roll than the first dominator tallied with Manipulation + Leadership. The commands or ideas cannot simply be removed. Commands must be replaced with new commands, or the old idea must be replaced with a new one.